Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we offer not only year and day rental, but also period rentals in the off-season. Request a quote for our affordable winter rental rates.

Daily rental is only charged from Monday to Friday, weekends are free of charge.

Particularly in the spring there is a shortage of CC trolleys and shelves. To best meet our customers’ needs for trolleys and shelves, we ourselves hire extra during this time. In this period, daily rentals must carry the costs. As a result, prices are higher.

At both Floraholland and Plantion you can transfer or hand in at our number: 44274

Yes, that is possible. We have our own truck and if this is unavailable, we rent transport. The transport costs will be charged to you separately, and are not included in the rental price.

You should keep these materials separate and hand them in by a Container Centralen or Rojaal Plant depot. Attention: you can no longer hand in broken materials at Floraholland! Before handing material in at a CC depot, you need a separate form that you can request from us, at least one day in advance.

Because the cost of the maintenance contracts are included in the rental, you don’t need to pay if you turn in or exchange defective material.

Yes, the CC trolleys that you rent from us you can store free of charge in the periods that you are not using them. If you want to makes use of this option, please contact us.

Outside the peak period there are usually plenty of trolleys and shelves in stock, making reservations unnecessary. To ensure that the number of trolleys and shelves that you need are available, it is a good idea to arrange the rental period with us beforehand. In that case, we can guarantee that the trolleys and shelves that you reserved are available for you at that time.